Sharon Christa McAuliffe's is quoted as saying, "I touch the future, I teach." For those of us born before 1980, we clearly remember the horrific event being replayed on the t.v. as the Challenger Shuttle exploded. 2 months later the astronaut's capsule was found at the bottom of the ocean, in tact. Today over 40 schools worldwide are named after our Teacher In Space.
McAuliffe's quote made me think of other teacher-related quotes I have heard. Sadly, one disrespectful quote came to mind; "Those who can't, teach." How is it that we have gone from sending a teacher into space to making "teacher" a derogatory term today? This mission by Reagan was to honor the "(I)mportant role that teachers and education serve in their country." I have invited people who believe that ignorant quote to follow me for a day, or a week if they can hack it. My offer is always turned down. I've come to the consensus that "Those who don't teach, can't." There is no disrespect in this. It takes a special person to have the hindsight to choose a profession that can positively impact so many souls each day. To know that 30 little ones rely on your every move each moment of the day can be a heavy, but inspiring burden. Everybody has a purpose on this earth and to teachers, their purpose is very clear. We take our job very seriously and become defensive when it is challenged. This only shows just how serious we take our job.
In religion they have a "calling", and I feel the same with teaching. As a youth, growing up I had many tiny whispers in my ear about my future career, but there was a moment when a deep whisper was shouted, from all directions! I knew right then I was put on a path with a purpose for helping others. I hope that whatever your job may be, you find purpose. More so, I hope you find a way each day to touch the future.
Next post I will relate this post to JFK's famous quote, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."
Image from Wikipedia.
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