Thursday, March 10, 2011

"Criticism leaves scars; but encouragement can bring healing"

"Criticism leaves scars; but encouragement can bring healing."
A comment was made regarding my recommendation of Jon Gordon's ideal/book, The No Complaining Rule. I am always looking for inspiring quotes or books. Today I came across this quote which resonated with me. How good to you feel when you are criticized? Does it make you want to work harder? Have better relationships with the critic? Feel appreciated? Appreciate yourself? Probably the opposite of all these! Being criticized is very different from Constructive Criticism. Being criticised carries a negative tone and fosters negativity, rather than productivity.

Teachers are being criticized right and left for society's ills. Comparing our melting pot of students to generic countries, or even within the same city! Teaching is not a cookie-cutter business. Children cannot be put on a conveyor belt and be filled with understanding and background knowledge. We are fortunate to live in such a diverse country. But we must keep in mind children come in abused, learning English, have physical and/or mental disabilities. Teachers deal with all these differences and find ways to reach each individual child according to their needs. But the country is hyper-focused on what is not being done; standardized test scores. And so the cycle continues.

Let's start looking at what IS working, both at home and school. Let's learn from what IS working, rather than spending our energy on what is not. We are fostering a negative energy throughout the country and soon there will no longer be dedicated brave souls to take over this profession. Resulting in teachers being appreciated too late.

Quote from

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